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UK Versity Accreditations and Recognition

UK Register of Learning Providers- UK Versity is the Online Education Company and is on the UK register of learning providers. UKPRN number is 10052768.

UK Versity Online understand the importance of personal records and learner data. UK Versity ensures that the information is securely stored and Under the General Data Protection Regulation act 2015 will collect information that we need for a specific purpose. It will hold as much information as we need, and only for as long as we need it and finally, making a written request will allow any learner to see the information that we hold on them.

Ascentis is an award-winning provider of cutting edge qualifications for education, training and business in the UK and overseas. We’ve been committed to delivering exceptional customer service and creating life changing opportunities for all since 1975. Ascentis is distinctive in that it is both:
An Awarding Organisation, regulated by Ofqual, CCEA and Qualification Wales
An Access Validating Agency for Access to Higher Education Diplomas, licensed by the Quality Assurance Agency
We have a portfolio of user-friendly qualifications which include ESOL, English & Maths, Teacher Training, Construction, Digital Learning, Apprenticeships, Progression, Short Online Qualifications and Access to Higher Education Diplomas. UK Versity is approved centre for Ascentis, Centre Number: 3286

The British Accreditation Council provides the leading mark of educational quality for the independent further and higher education sector, which is used by students, parents, agencies and beyond as a guarantee of standards. To be accredited by the BAC, educational providers are rigorously inspected, including full audits and site visits, with the latest reports available on the BAC website. Institutions that carry this endorsement and the BAC mark, therefore, represent some of the leading and most reliable private colleges and training providers in the UK. Our most recent inspection was carried out in 2019 and the inspectors were highly positive about our summer school programme, highlighting the quality of our programme in a number of areas:
Management, Staffing and Administration: A highly effective, inclusive and supportive management team drives continuous improvement of the student experience resulting in very high pass rates. Well-planned, comprehensive and individualised training opportunities ensure all staff are supported to perform their roles very effectively.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Well-developed and comprehensive planning documents and resources demonstrate the effective alignment of planning and delivery to ensure students develop the skills and knowledge required for success in final summative assessments or external tests. Excellent teacher knowledge and good pedagogic skills enable all teachers to effectively deliver courses of study. Flexible delivery patterns and highly effective support mechanisms ensure many students stay on the programme. Regular, comprehensive, focused and constructive feedback is provided to all students.
Student Welfare: Effective strategies for peer interaction results in good peer support. Comprehensive online and hard copy study materials provide highly effective focused support for good progress and achievement.
Premises and Facilities: Comprehensive security arrangements contribute to good levels of student safety.

Awards for Training in Higher Education (ATHE) – UK Versity Online is an accredited centre for ATHE. We are approved to offer ATHE’s full range of courses Level 3 to 7 to learners and working professionals covering specialisms like Administration, Business Management, Health Care Management, Travel & Tourism and Computing and IT. UK Versity is an approved centre for ATHE and the Centre number is 889

NCFE is a national Awarding Organisation, passionate about designing, developing and certificating diverse, nationally recognised qualifications and awards. These qualifications contribute to the success of millions of learners at all levels, bringing them closer to fulfilling their personal goals. NCFE offers a wide range of general and vocationally related qualifications in a variety of subject areas, as well as Competence Based qualifications/NVQs, and Functional Skills qualifications. Last year alone, over 340,000 learners from over 2,000 colleges, schools and training organisations chose NCFE as the Awarding Organisation to help them move their careers forward. UK Versity is an approved centre for NCFE-Cache and the Centre number is 8465520

The Organisation for Tourism and Hospitality Management (OTHM) is the UK based Awarding Organisation approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation). UK Versity is an accredited centre and approved to deliver all of the OTHM qualifications globally. UK Versity is an approved centre for OTHM and the Centre number is DC1506132

Pearson is the world’s leading learning company which has an educational heritage rooted in names like Longman, Heinemann and Prentice Hall. Pearson is the UK’s largest awarding organisation, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and internationally. BTECs are recognised in more than 80 countries worldwide, and in 2009/10 over 1.1 million learners were registered onto a BTEC. UK Versity is an accredited centre for Pearson and offers Higher National Diplomas. These Diplomas allow entry into the third year of an appropriate Bachelor’s degree. UK Versity is an approved centre for Pearson and the Centre number is 07737

Established in 1916, the Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA) is an internationally recognised professional accountancy membership body. We are a full member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) the global accounting standard-setter and regulator. The IFA is part of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) of Australia Group, the world’s largest SME-focused accountancy group, with more than 40,000 members and students in over 80 countries. UK Versity is a teaching and deliver partner for IFA Direct. UK Versity is an approved centre for IFA Direct and the Centre number is 283334

In 2018 UK Versity Online was honoured to be the first Northwest-based online education company to be singled out for praise by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, through its inclusion in the Parliamentary Review. The UK Versity Online was one of only fifteen technology companies in the Review, which is an annual initiative released to coincide with the beginning of the Parliamentary year. Each of its twelve separate editions focuses on a key governmental policy area, with leading organisations and executives sharing personal insight and discussing good practice alongside Cabinet and senior ministers. By combining commentaries from award-winning journalists with innovative thinking from industry experts, The Parliamentary Review provides a comprehensive summary of the past year and a reliable template for the year to come. We are delighted to have been selected for inclusion in the Parliamentary Review. It reflects our approach, commitment and the use of technology in delivering online education globally

The North-West Enterprise Awards 2017 are designed to seek out the very best firms and individuals in the region and celebrate their innovation, client care and performance over the previous twelve months. As with all our award programmes, each of our winners is judged based on merit and merit alone. UK Versity Online has been awarded the Best Online Learning Platform for 2017.

UK Versity has been awarded the Cum Laude Seal of Emagister 2017 distinguishing especially the quality of the courses taught through blended learning to learners from over 14 countries. The delivery of the Cum Laude Seal is a recognition of great importance that allows future learners to have a guarantee of quality and thus, choose the training that best suits their needs and expectations. Emagister recognizes the quality and prestige of UK Versity, awarding it the Cum Laude prize. This Seal has been possible thanks to the good evaluations of our students, who have given this business school a rating of 5 points out of 5, thus consolidating its recognised quality.

UK Versity has been awarded the Cum Laude Seal of Emagister 2019 distinguishing especially the quality of the courses taught through blended learning to learners from over 14 countries. UK Versity has won this award second time, since starting in 2014. The delivery of the Cum Laude Seal is a recognition of great importance that allows future learners to have a guarantee of quality and thus, choose the training that best suits their needs and expectations. The Cum Laude award in addition to rewarding the centres for promoting quality training serves as a guide for those users who seek training, with the experience of other learners who have already been trained before. Thus, they can know and know which are the centres that have the best evaluation. Emagister recognises the quality and prestige of UK Versity, awarding it the Cum Laude prize. This Seal has been possible thanks to the good evaluations of our students, who have given this training provider a rating of 4.9 points out of 5, thus consolidating its recognised quality.

Indian Achievers Award 2020-21: There are people in the society for whom circumstances, lack of resources and setbacks are no hurdles. These individuals are people of strong will and dedication. Despite all odds, these champions polish their lives so much in their field of interest that they stand apart in society. Having achieved great heights in their respective domains, these individuals need to be encouraged, hence Achievers’ World Excellence Awards. Mr Ramanjeet Singh is awarded the Indian Achievers Awards for his contribution to Nation Building by delivering education that empowers the lives of individuals in many ways.
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